Ammonia Leak on Campus

Worst Case
From WSO, "The entire Odd Quad, Spencer, and the Ice Rink have been evacuated indefinitely following an ammonia leak in the Ice Rink."
Apparently ammonia was released in the air around the Odd Quad, and this could be a serious health threat, so the area was evacuated.
What happens if someone gets sick from ammonia?
- In the air: Breathing low concentrations of ammonia (for example, gases from cleaning products) may cause coughing and nose and throat irritation. Depending on the concentration of exposure, length of time and way the person is exposed, lung damage or death could occur.
- In the mouth: Swallowing small amounts of ammonia may cause burns in the mouth and throat.
- On the skin: A few drops of concentrated ammonia on the skin will cause burns and open sores if not washed away quickly.
- In the eyes: A few drops of concentrated ammonia in the eyes may cause damage. Exposure to larger amounts of liquid ammonia in the eyes causes severe eye damage and can lead to blindness.
So, imagine this scene. A cloud of poisonous ammonia gas infiltrates the Odd Quad, sending throngs of stripped naked and coughing Odd Quadders fleeing to find clean air.
Best Case
It seems to me that the evacuation occured after a few people reported a mild ammonia smell. According the Illinois Department of Public Health, "Ammonia has a very strong odor when a large amount of the gas (50 parts per million) is in the air. Therefore, the smell of ammonia will likely alert a person before exposure to a harmful amount is possible."
I assume that the area was evacuated purely as a precaution. Because students were allowed back in dorms at 12:30AM, it seems logical to think that the leak was very minor.
Ammonia Leaks in other Institutions of Higher Learning
Yale rink ammonia leak
Berkeley ammonia leak
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