the birth of this blog

Well, here it is. I have officially created a blog.
First, the blog name. I'm taking a winter study course at Williams College called "blogonomics," and we have been given the assignment to a) Produce intellectual or creative output and b) Distribute it to world. I was considering calling this "the mandatory blog" or something, but decided to try the thesaurus for some possible padle alternatives.
Main Entry: de rigueur
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: socially obligatory
Synonyms: a must, au fait, called for, comme il faut, conforming to accepted standards, conventional, correct, mandatory, necessary, obligatory, proper, required, right
Anyway, although the blog certainly isn't a social obligation in my case, i think the name works, and also makes one consider a future in which organizing and updating a blog may actually be a social obligation. perhaps.
Goals of the Blog
My initial goal is to produce material that is somewhat interesting to the world, and that is also amusing to maintain. I'm considering a series of "look what i found on the internet" type posts, including funny videos, pictures, jokes, products or news items.
I'm going to keep the grammar and punctuation fairly casual, and will probably alternate between capital and lowercase "I." I'll try to keep on top of the spelling (there is a checker), and my use of apostrophes should be impeccable.
I'm also thinking about starting a small website, so some of the ideas, opinions, and materials (yes, i will be using the Oxford comma in this blog), might end up migrating onto that.
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