Mr. and Ms. Wonderful dolls
Dolls with a sense of humor.
Ms. Wonderful says:
Ms. Wonderful says:

- Don't feel bad honey, i forgot it was our anniversary too!
- You don't need a glass, just go ahead and drink right out of the carton.
- A new reversible drill, oh honey it's just what i needed!
- Are you sure it's ok to wash this shirt? You've only worn it for a couple of days.
- Don't worry about taking the trash out. I can use the exercise.
- It really doesn't matter if you leave the toilet seat up, it makes it easier to clean.
- You're right, we don't need directions, maybe you'll find a short cut.
- You take the remote, as log as i'm with you, I don't care what we watch.
- You've been on my mind all day. That's why I bought you these flowers.
- Why don't we go the the mall, didn't you want some shoes.
- You know honey, why don't you just relax and let me make dinner tonight.
- The ball game is not that important, I'd rather spend time with you.
- You know, I think it's really important that we talk about our relationship.
- Plus many more!
- "Ahh, can't your mother stay another week?"
- "Let's just cuddle tonight"
- "Actually I am not really sure which way to go, I'll turn in here and ask directions."
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